Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Koda's Home

Well Koda's home, and as you can see he is completely out of it. I'm not going to sugar coat this. Anyone who is emotional right now should skip to the end of this blog and read the happy ending before reading this post.

Everyone down at the vet hospital has been great. Let me just tell you that I am a very emotional dog owner right now even though I'm trying to be calm and strong, I'm not. The vet techs took him out from the back with a towel as a sling to carry his back legs. The blue stump that you see above was dragging behind Koda and getting flopped around. Then Koda started thrashing around and whining. He was freaking out. The techs put him in the crate, but he was thrashing so badly that the stump was hitting the crate sides and he was getting all tied up around it. God I pray that nothing happened to his leg while this was all happening. Could he have hurt it? Ruined his surgery? I'm freaking out now.

Driving home, Koda was still hyperventilationg and crying so hard. I felt helpless. For once I couldn't make it better. He was in so much pain and scared, and I couldn't protect him. I lost it!! First red light I put my face in my hands and started bawling. I was crying so hard that the truck next to me honked to see if I needed help. Embarassing right? Ugh.....

I got Koda home safe, and carried him into the expen that you see in the picture. He was trying to get up, and I know he just wanted to be with me, but I needed him to just lay down. Thankfully I asked for a sedative, and I gave a half of one to him and laid down in the expen with him rubbing his bare butt until he passed out. I'm going to sleep in here tonight because I want to check and make sure he's still breathing every five minutes. Tonight was rough.

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