It's dinnertime, and thanks to my mom I have something to eat. I'm not sure what I was doing before Koda got his surgery. It all went so quick from that Saturday that he went lame the second time to going to a pre-op appointment to surgery that I was so busy getting the house ready I didn't think about myself and what I would need. Things like grocery shopping for the next week completely left my mind. My mom has been such a blessing helping out with Koda, just keeping me company, and most importantly making sure that I eat. I love that moms are good for that.
This is probably the only time today that I'm going to be able to post. Koda has become quite clingy. He's always been very attached to me, but the past 24 hours I have realized that Koda completely lacks the ability to calm himself. It's ironic....he's great at calming everyone else down including children, especially children, but he relies on me to sooth him. He needs me right next to him and touching him. He also needs to make eye contact with me at all times.
Last night Koda of course woke up at around 10:30. I thought I had him good for the night with all the medicine he was on, but no he had to sleep with me. I pulled out the couch mattress. I need to stop here and apologize to everyone who has ever spent the night at my house. That mattress is the most uncomfortable thing I have ever laid on. It has this hard thing that cuts across your shoulder area. Koda and I slept until about 12:30 am when he decided that it was time to go to our own bed again. I put him in his crate in the bedroom and he whined. I was so exhausted that I did manage to fall asleep. He then woke me up at 2 am flipping out. I thought maybe he had to pee, but no. He just wanted to be with me. Once again I went to sleep on the floor next to his crate after two and a half hours of trying to get him to sleep without me. Koda woke up at 7. That two and a half hours of sleep was great let me tell you. I took him out to pee. He's refusing to use the leg so this means me carrying him to the grass. He wouldn't go. Back in the house we went and he had a Tramadol and I tried to put him in his expen, but he just stood there and cried. Long story short I had to sit with him until 12:30 pm petting him and giving him kisses. It was the only thing that calmed him down.
He did go pee somewhere in that time, and I figured out that poor little Koda has diaper rash from his leakage. I had to clean him up and dry him off and I doused him in A&D ointment. Around 12:30 he decided to go to sleep, and my mom came over. I was finally able to take a shower and wash my hair! I can't tell you how good it felt.
Koda woke up when she arrived, and made her get into the crate with him. He didn't really settle down until he got his second Tramadol at 3 pm. He's finally been resting by himself. I'm not sure what I do during these break times, but it's nothing that I should be doing like working, doing laundry, cleaning. I'm so zoned out that I just sit here I think. I'm glad he's sleeping, but I'm dreading another sleepless night. Koda's internal clock is all messed up right now.
Koda's incision looks really good today. His bruising is also going away. I had to be obsessed with his stitches and take a pic to share. I'll save you from seeing bootie rash pics.
I also took pics of Koda last night standing. He was pretty stressed out and panting, but he pretty much holds his leg up like this.
I just fed Koda dinner. Well I tried and he buried it with the towels and blankets laying under his expen. His tummy is pretty upset today with a lot of gas. I'll spare you the details....
Here's to hopefully a good night's sleep! 11 more days and Koda's stitches are out!
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