I haven't been on in a couple of days because I've been trying to catch up with work. I went back yesterday, and it's been difficult to leave Koda. I try and get there early before everyone, get my work done, and go home before traffic starts. The good thing is I'm very motivated to be productive. The bad thing is I'm not home with Koda. Although I don't know what I'd be doing, staring at him all day? Probably, and I would be happy to do it.
Koda started to walk on the leg yesterday pretty well. He's not quite as good as he was before the surgery, but he's putting a little bit of weight on it. Yesterday he seemed to not be in pain at all. I started to give the Tramadol every 12 hours, but I fear that tomorrow he will be pain. You see Koda still has not pooped, and tonight I walked him around outside on leash trying to get him to go. It was about 10 minutes and we went really slow, but this is too long to walk a dog only a week out from TPLO surgery. I just really want him to poop, and I did get the ok from the surgeon to try. Nope I didn't call them. I swear they called me to change his appointment time to get his stitches out, but I took the opportunity to bug them and ask them questions about Koda's little problem. The surgeon said if he's walking then try to walk and stimulate it. It didn't work, and I'm not doing that again. Koda started to whine, but he's a dog and he doesn't correlate walking with pain. He wanted to keep going, and I had to carry him in the house. When he got in, he went straight to my room and laid under the desk. He doesn't even want to come out to climb in bed with me for our nightly cuddles. It's kind've sad. I may just be freaking out tomorrow if he's in a lot of pain.
Here's a pic of the poor little man.
His stitches are still looking really good. He's healing up nicely. Koda doesn't even try and touch him. He's such a good boy.
I still have to get a video of Koda walking. Maybe if he's not that bad tomorrow I'll take one.
I do have to admit my temporary act of paranoia the other night. Things were going so well, and he was progressing faster than I expected, so what did I do? I started to freak myself out on Sunday night and google the complications with TPLO surgery! Why do I do things like that? I was worrying about having to get the implant out as soon as possible. I was worrying about infections, bone disease, implant corrosion, arthritis, the other knee. It was bad, and I had to have an intervention with myself. Do yourself a favor, don't ever do this. Take it from me, there's nothing to worry about right now. But then again I'm worrying about him being in pain tomorrow. *sigh*
There's always this to look forward to! 7 more days until Koda's stitches are out!!!
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