I haven't updated the blog because life has been boring. Koda has been on house arrest for 8 weeks to the day. He has only been outside to do his business on leash. Sometimes we would go outside and lay on the lawn, but he's really just been trapped in the house.
We did have one scary moment last week. We went out last Thursday to go potty, and Koda lifted up his leg. It broke my heart to see him holding it up. He three legged it back to the house, and I put him in the crate all day with Tramadol. But by that evening he was better and the surgeon just thought it was a hiccup.
He did well on Friday at physical therapy. He has been getting cold laser treatments regularly and is up to 7 minutes in the water treadmill. He doesn't get sore at all afterwards. He was also fine all weekend, but I was nervous going in today. I've waited 56 days for today, and I wanted to hear that we could start doing some short walks.
The vet tech took Koda back for xrays and when they came back the surgeon said Koda was ready to be out in the world. No restrictions other than being kept on leash and no running for another month. I can definitely live with that!!!! I'm so excited for both Koda and I. We can finally start to get our life back.
Tonight we celebrated by going to my parent's house for dinner. My mom and I took him and her dog for a walk just down the street to the corner and back. Koda was thrilled. He was on cloud nine, and didn't even care that this is probably 1/8 of the walk we used to do. He was so happy to be out in the world. I'm scared that tomorrow he will be in pain. See as much as I thought I was ready to let him out in the world; I've come to realize that it has felt good to protect him in the house.
The surgeon's office is emailing me Koda's xrays tomorrow. I will post as soon as I get them.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Koda is full of spunk today!
For every dog owner who has had to endure a cruciate injury one of the first things you will see is the lameness and limp, but you will also notice that your dog will not sit correctly. He/She will sit with the leg out and leaning on their other side. Koda has been doing this since his injury and up until Thursday. It was that day that I noticed that Koda was sitting funny. I stared at him trying to figure out what it was about his sit that was off, and then I noticed it! He was sitting correctly for the first time in two months and he's been doing it ever since. The small steps forward are very exciting.
He is also barely limping. Yesterday while we were waiting for physical therapy a woman asked me what we were there for. When I told her we were five weeks out of TPLO surgery her mouth dropped. She couldn't even see a limp at all. Now I can, but I don't think anyone else would notice it. He's also feeling really well today. He has been getting sore after PT. But not today. He's full of spunk and wants to play and go out. Of course he can't but he keeps wanting to engage me. I had to put his toy box up on the entertainment center because he kept wanting to get toys and balls out of it. I hate discouraging him, but we are still on time out as far as playing goes.
I'll get a new video today or tomorrow of him walking. It's very impressive!!
17 more days and we go in for Koda's 8 week checkup!!!
He is also barely limping. Yesterday while we were waiting for physical therapy a woman asked me what we were there for. When I told her we were five weeks out of TPLO surgery her mouth dropped. She couldn't even see a limp at all. Now I can, but I don't think anyone else would notice it. He's also feeling really well today. He has been getting sore after PT. But not today. He's full of spunk and wants to play and go out. Of course he can't but he keeps wanting to engage me. I had to put his toy box up on the entertainment center because he kept wanting to get toys and balls out of it. I hate discouraging him, but we are still on time out as far as playing goes.
I'll get a new video today or tomorrow of him walking. It's very impressive!!
17 more days and we go in for Koda's 8 week checkup!!!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
5 Weeks Post Op Today!
Life has been so busy. I swore that I would keep the blog up, but everything has just been so busy, and honestly maybe it's a good thing that I haven't felt like blogging. It means that Koda's recovery has been somewhat uneventful.
He's doing great. We are going to physical therapy weekly. He gets a cold laser treatment and then goes into the water treadmill. He's putting about 45:55 percent ratio on the legs now with just a slight drag on his operated leg. He looks great. He's putting his weight back on, and his muscle is starting to come back. It's truly been amazing to watch him heal so fast.
I had my mom take a video of his last physical therapy session on the treadmill. It was a little bit of a fail because I haven't cleaned off my memory card in my camera in a long time. The video cuts off about a minute into the walking, but you get a good look at how it all starts out.
3 more weeks and Koda goes in for his post-op xrays. I really do hope that we are able to start getting out of the house together!
He's doing great. We are going to physical therapy weekly. He gets a cold laser treatment and then goes into the water treadmill. He's putting about 45:55 percent ratio on the legs now with just a slight drag on his operated leg. He looks great. He's putting his weight back on, and his muscle is starting to come back. It's truly been amazing to watch him heal so fast.
I had my mom take a video of his last physical therapy session on the treadmill. It was a little bit of a fail because I haven't cleaned off my memory card in my camera in a long time. The video cuts off about a minute into the walking, but you get a good look at how it all starts out.
The goal was four minutes, but Koda did five without any lagging on that leg! If it were up to him he would've kept going. And yes we bribe him with cheese.
3 more weeks and Koda goes in for his post-op xrays. I really do hope that we are able to start getting out of the house together!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Koda Started Physical Therapy Today
Today was a big day for Koda. He started physical therapy at The Canine Rehabilitation Center. He was excited to leave the house, but when we got to the car and he realized that he was actually leaving he didn't want to go. He's been locked up inside. I think he's getting a little anxiety about leaving the house now.
When we got to the center, he figured out that it was a vet's office in about 30 seconds. He got scared and tried to climb up in my lap. Typical Koda nowadays. When we got in the room, he was still shaking and hiding behind the chair I was sitting in. I really wish I would've gotten pictures. The place is new and nice. The rooms are big and have mats. The vet came in and she was really nice. She sat on the floor with Koda and I and she went over everything. There was nothing too knew. We went over the injury and the healing process. I was once again warned that he has a 50% chance of blowing the ligament out in his other knee. We went over supplements and diet. I automatically loved her because she would stop mid-sentence and tell me how beautiful Koda is. She kept oohing over him. She got on my good side really quick. It's going to take Koda a bit more time to trust them after what he's been through.
She told me that Koda's quads are really tight from holding up the leg, but that he looks really good for only being three weeks out. He went into the hydrotherapy tank. I was surprised. He did really well. He hopped right in, because he had no clue what it was. I'm not sure if he'll do that next time. He stood still, no whining, while the water filled up, and he kind've didn't know what to do when the treadmill started but he got the hang of it quickly. I stood in front of the treadmill encouraging him to touch my hands with his nose to get him to walk. He kind've fell back when they sped it up, but he got back on track pretty quick. He only spent three minutes in there, but he didn't try ad run out when it was over. All in all it was a good experience.
After the treadmill, we laid on the matt together for his cold laser therapy treatment. This was a little bit trickier. I'm not sure why they make that thing beep over and over again. He wasn't into that and started to shake a little.
Next time that I get there, I want the tech to take a little walk with us. I want her to engage Koda a little bit more so he can become more comfortable with her. The tech is who we will be working with for the next five sessions until the vet comes back and sets Koda and I up with our at home physical therapy regimine.
There was one kind've cool thing. The vet said that it was good that Koda stretches his leg out straight all the time. I'm going to try and use the clicker to teach him this is a good behavior. If I can teach him to stretch on command then it would help us before and after treatments. As well as when he's all better and we can start hiking again!!
5 weeks left and Koda can get out of the expen!!!
When we got to the center, he figured out that it was a vet's office in about 30 seconds. He got scared and tried to climb up in my lap. Typical Koda nowadays. When we got in the room, he was still shaking and hiding behind the chair I was sitting in. I really wish I would've gotten pictures. The place is new and nice. The rooms are big and have mats. The vet came in and she was really nice. She sat on the floor with Koda and I and she went over everything. There was nothing too knew. We went over the injury and the healing process. I was once again warned that he has a 50% chance of blowing the ligament out in his other knee. We went over supplements and diet. I automatically loved her because she would stop mid-sentence and tell me how beautiful Koda is. She kept oohing over him. She got on my good side really quick. It's going to take Koda a bit more time to trust them after what he's been through.
She told me that Koda's quads are really tight from holding up the leg, but that he looks really good for only being three weeks out. He went into the hydrotherapy tank. I was surprised. He did really well. He hopped right in, because he had no clue what it was. I'm not sure if he'll do that next time. He stood still, no whining, while the water filled up, and he kind've didn't know what to do when the treadmill started but he got the hang of it quickly. I stood in front of the treadmill encouraging him to touch my hands with his nose to get him to walk. He kind've fell back when they sped it up, but he got back on track pretty quick. He only spent three minutes in there, but he didn't try ad run out when it was over. All in all it was a good experience.
After the treadmill, we laid on the matt together for his cold laser therapy treatment. This was a little bit trickier. I'm not sure why they make that thing beep over and over again. He wasn't into that and started to shake a little.
Next time that I get there, I want the tech to take a little walk with us. I want her to engage Koda a little bit more so he can become more comfortable with her. The tech is who we will be working with for the next five sessions until the vet comes back and sets Koda and I up with our at home physical therapy regimine.
There was one kind've cool thing. The vet said that it was good that Koda stretches his leg out straight all the time. I'm going to try and use the clicker to teach him this is a good behavior. If I can teach him to stretch on command then it would help us before and after treatments. As well as when he's all better and we can start hiking again!!
5 weeks left and Koda can get out of the expen!!!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
No More Limping for my Little Man
I am happy to announce that Koda woke up 18 days post op not limping yesterday. I didn't want to jump on and post it just in case it was a fluke, but he's hasn't limped now in two days. The leg looks good and strong. He still favors his other side a bit, but he's putting some good weight on it. It'll be exciting to get him into physical therapy on Tuesday. He still has a bit of a hop if he tries to go too fast, but that's to be expected.
Here's my attempt to videotape Koda walking yesterday while worrying about whether or not he's going to try and bolt.
5 weeks and two days left and Koda can be set free from the expen.
Here's my attempt to videotape Koda walking yesterday while worrying about whether or not he's going to try and bolt.
5 weeks and two days left and Koda can be set free from the expen.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Supplements, Medications, and Physical Therapy
Quick little update on Koda. He's doing great! He's still on expen arrest, but he has succumbed to being in the pen as his daily destiny. He goes out to potty, and these are usually three 5 minute walks around the complex. We take it really slow and he barely limps. I have stopped helping him walk by holding the handle on the harness. He's on his own. I only grab it and take some weight off of his leg if the walk goes past five minutes because he's trying to find the perfect spot to poop. He does cry a little everytime he goes number two. I'm not sure if it's the leg or his bootie that might hurt a little. He doesn't limp or show more pain afterwards. Poor Koda would be mortified if he knew I tell all of his business. He does have a scab at the top of where his stitches were. It's still red. I'm going to have my mom check it tomorrow.
I've gotten a few emails asking me what Koda's restrictions are, his medications, and what supplements I'm giving. When Koda came home from the hospital he was prescribed Tramadol. I also asked for Metacam just in case he had a reaction to the Tramadol. I didn't want to have to drive back later. Have I ever posted that his surgeon's office is a mile and a half away from my home? I sounded lazy when I typed that. I just didn't want to have to leave him.
Koda did not do well on Rimadyl when he was prescribed that the first day our usual vet saw him for lameness. He had GI issues that kept both of us up all night, and he became a complete jerk to strangers. Koda's always been laid back, but on Rimadyl he started barking and growling at people. I know this isn't a listed effect of the drug, however my surgeon's office said they had heard several owners claim the same side effect. His attitude problem went away once we stopped the Rimadyl.
Since Koda came home the same night, I also asked for a sedative and was given Acepromazine. This is how I feel; you're spending a good amount of money on the surgery, ask for all of the drugs you can get to make them comfortable. I have only had to use Ace twice: the night he came home and two days later when my neighbor's jerk dog tried to go after him. I only gave him a half of a pill each time. The stuff is potent.
The first few days I gave Koda Metacam at night, and Tramadol 2 times a day. After three days, the morophine left Koda's system and he was in more discomfort. I then gave him 3 Tramadols a day for 3 days. After that I went back to 2 times a day. After the two week mark, I went back to the Metacam giving it to him in the morning. I did have to give him Tramadol on Wednesday. He was panting in the evening and wouldn't settle down. Since then he's only needed the Metacam. It does seem to calm him down which is nice. Although Koda is a really chill dog inside the house. I will continue with the Metacam probably until I run out. Koda's doing really well with walking on the leg. I don't want to stop all of the pain meds and have him go lame. I want him to walk on it and get through physical therapy. Oh yeah, I will probably give him a Tramadol after PT sessions. I'll ask that vet what I should do.
As far as supplements go. There is so much information out there. Yahoo groups like orthodogs and ConservativeManagement have some good resources including lists in their files section and you can search within the messages. With that said, it becomes a bit overwhelming. My head was spinning with the different things I could give Koda: msm , glucosamin/chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, fish oil omega 3's, traumeel, zeel, arnica pellots, passionflower for a sedative, liquid yucca for an anti-inflammatory, vitamin c, e, and d. It's a lot to absorb.
My father has had multiple knee surgeries, and his surgeon has said that he will need to be on fish oil, glucosamine/chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid for the rest of his life. Koda too will have to be on these for the rest of his life. No one knows what glucosamine does, but it does slow down arthritis and promotes joint health. For now Koda is on liquid glucosamine/chondroitin with msm. He gets 2 T morning/evening. He then gets fish oil, 3 soft capsules in the morning. He gets hyaluronic acid in the evening. He also gets a multi-vitamin with his morning meal. I really hope it helps him to have a healthier life.
Tuesday we start physical therapy. It will be 3 weeks to the day from his surgery. We have a consultation and he will have a treatment. It will either be a cold laser one or hydrotherapy. I'll post more when I find out exactly what his plan will be.
Tomorrow I'll have a new walking video. He is walking so well. When he actually gets the chance to leave his expen.
I've gotten a few emails asking me what Koda's restrictions are, his medications, and what supplements I'm giving. When Koda came home from the hospital he was prescribed Tramadol. I also asked for Metacam just in case he had a reaction to the Tramadol. I didn't want to have to drive back later. Have I ever posted that his surgeon's office is a mile and a half away from my home? I sounded lazy when I typed that. I just didn't want to have to leave him.
Koda did not do well on Rimadyl when he was prescribed that the first day our usual vet saw him for lameness. He had GI issues that kept both of us up all night, and he became a complete jerk to strangers. Koda's always been laid back, but on Rimadyl he started barking and growling at people. I know this isn't a listed effect of the drug, however my surgeon's office said they had heard several owners claim the same side effect. His attitude problem went away once we stopped the Rimadyl.
Since Koda came home the same night, I also asked for a sedative and was given Acepromazine. This is how I feel; you're spending a good amount of money on the surgery, ask for all of the drugs you can get to make them comfortable. I have only had to use Ace twice: the night he came home and two days later when my neighbor's jerk dog tried to go after him. I only gave him a half of a pill each time. The stuff is potent.
The first few days I gave Koda Metacam at night, and Tramadol 2 times a day. After three days, the morophine left Koda's system and he was in more discomfort. I then gave him 3 Tramadols a day for 3 days. After that I went back to 2 times a day. After the two week mark, I went back to the Metacam giving it to him in the morning. I did have to give him Tramadol on Wednesday. He was panting in the evening and wouldn't settle down. Since then he's only needed the Metacam. It does seem to calm him down which is nice. Although Koda is a really chill dog inside the house. I will continue with the Metacam probably until I run out. Koda's doing really well with walking on the leg. I don't want to stop all of the pain meds and have him go lame. I want him to walk on it and get through physical therapy. Oh yeah, I will probably give him a Tramadol after PT sessions. I'll ask that vet what I should do.
As far as supplements go. There is so much information out there. Yahoo groups like orthodogs and ConservativeManagement have some good resources including lists in their files section and you can search within the messages. With that said, it becomes a bit overwhelming. My head was spinning with the different things I could give Koda: msm , glucosamin/chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, fish oil omega 3's, traumeel, zeel, arnica pellots, passionflower for a sedative, liquid yucca for an anti-inflammatory, vitamin c, e, and d. It's a lot to absorb.
My father has had multiple knee surgeries, and his surgeon has said that he will need to be on fish oil, glucosamine/chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid for the rest of his life. Koda too will have to be on these for the rest of his life. No one knows what glucosamine does, but it does slow down arthritis and promotes joint health. For now Koda is on liquid glucosamine/chondroitin with msm. He gets 2 T morning/evening. He then gets fish oil, 3 soft capsules in the morning. He gets hyaluronic acid in the evening. He also gets a multi-vitamin with his morning meal. I really hope it helps him to have a healthier life.
Tuesday we start physical therapy. It will be 3 weeks to the day from his surgery. We have a consultation and he will have a treatment. It will either be a cold laser one or hydrotherapy. I'll post more when I find out exactly what his plan will be.
Tomorrow I'll have a new walking video. He is walking so well. When he actually gets the chance to leave his expen.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Time to Set the New Milestone. The Stitches Are Gone.
Koda got his stitches out this morning. He's such a baby about going to the surgeon's office. The second we got in the building, his whole body started shaking. Then he refused to walk into the room. I had to carry him. I'm not going to force a dog with a broken leg to walk. I think the assistant thought I was crazy when I swooped him up and started walking. I've gotten really used to carrying Koda around. When we got in the room he wanted to climb behind me on the couch and hide. I have never seen a dog like Koda. So needy of my protection from everything scary. He's my sensitive boy.
The surgeon acknowledged the red spot on the top of his stitches, and told me to watch it. But he didn't feel like it warranted anti-biotics. He thought it was because Koda has licked it. I think Koda was having just having a reaction to his stitches. It looks a lot better tonight. I didn't get any pictures. I'll get one tomorrow if it's still there.
**Edit: Here's a picture of Koda right after his stitches came out**
We also got the go ahead for physical therapy. I called their office, but they didn't call me back today. I promise you this, I will bug them again tomorrow! I can't wait to get Koda into some therapy. He's gone from 52 pounds to less than 48 pounds, and he had no weight to lose before the injury. Atrophy has really set in. I have my concerns about Koda's reaction to the water treadmill. He's never been a water dog. But hey he might just end up liking it. That would be great. It gets hot here in California. I'd love it if Koda decided swimming is fun.
I'm not sure what I was expecting today; the surgeon to tell me that Koda could walk around free. It kind've bummed me out to find out that we still have six weeks of the expen at the very least. I'm going to admit that I let Koda out in the evening. He doesn't jump on furniture, just usually lays in my bedroom or by my feet chewing on a bullystick. He just likes to get out for a bit. Sshhh don't tell my surgeon.
The great news is that Koda is walking with barely any limp! He looks better than before the surgery. I'm thrilled. It's good at this early stage to see progress daily. It helps get through the monotony of sitting here and not being able to go anywhere. I did see the post op xrays today of the implants and screws. It was sad to know what exactly is in there. I should call them to see if they will send them to me so I can post them.
Our next milestone is six weeks away. It seems like forever right now, but the last two weeks flew by. I'm hoping the next six weeks will. This is when we go back to the surgeon's office and xray Koda's leg to see if the bones have grown back together and check out all the hardware. It's a shame. I will get to walk him again when it starts raining.
The surgeon acknowledged the red spot on the top of his stitches, and told me to watch it. But he didn't feel like it warranted anti-biotics. He thought it was because Koda has licked it. I think Koda was having just having a reaction to his stitches. It looks a lot better tonight. I didn't get any pictures. I'll get one tomorrow if it's still there.
**Edit: Here's a picture of Koda right after his stitches came out**
We also got the go ahead for physical therapy. I called their office, but they didn't call me back today. I promise you this, I will bug them again tomorrow! I can't wait to get Koda into some therapy. He's gone from 52 pounds to less than 48 pounds, and he had no weight to lose before the injury. Atrophy has really set in. I have my concerns about Koda's reaction to the water treadmill. He's never been a water dog. But hey he might just end up liking it. That would be great. It gets hot here in California. I'd love it if Koda decided swimming is fun.
I'm not sure what I was expecting today; the surgeon to tell me that Koda could walk around free. It kind've bummed me out to find out that we still have six weeks of the expen at the very least. I'm going to admit that I let Koda out in the evening. He doesn't jump on furniture, just usually lays in my bedroom or by my feet chewing on a bullystick. He just likes to get out for a bit. Sshhh don't tell my surgeon.
The great news is that Koda is walking with barely any limp! He looks better than before the surgery. I'm thrilled. It's good at this early stage to see progress daily. It helps get through the monotony of sitting here and not being able to go anywhere. I did see the post op xrays today of the implants and screws. It was sad to know what exactly is in there. I should call them to see if they will send them to me so I can post them.
Our next milestone is six weeks away. It seems like forever right now, but the last two weeks flew by. I'm hoping the next six weeks will. This is when we go back to the surgeon's office and xray Koda's leg to see if the bones have grown back together and check out all the hardware. It's a shame. I will get to walk him again when it starts raining.
Monday, August 22, 2011
The Last Night of Koda's Stitches
My first milestone is almost here. In 13 hours Koda will get his stitches out. I am so excited for him. Here's one last pic! Tomorrow they will become a distant memory.
The top got a little red the last couple of days, but that's going down. He's definitely ready for tomorrow.
I can't tell you how good he's been. He's really such a good dog. He hasn't tried to touch his stitches since I told him to "leave it." He is calm in the house, and is tolerating the expen. I hope that tomorrow the surgeon says he can have a little more freedom. Even though that also scares me. I feel like everything has gone so well so far. I don't want to do anything that could set him back from healing. We are officially two weeks closer to Koda being all better. I am praying that this is the last time he ever has to have stitches. I'm praying that the other knee holds up and this was all a fluke.
My other news is that Koda has lost 3 1/2 pds. and I gained it. He really didn't have any room to lose weight. He's too thin right now. His Ruffwear is even too big on him. He's been wearing that harness since he was 9 months old, and now even on the smallest setting he's too skinny for it. I need to figure out how to get a little bit of weight on him. I'll be happy when we can start to get some muscle back on him. In time, I just need to stay patient. This is all really testing me though.
Tomorrow the stitches are gone!!! Woo hoo!!
The top got a little red the last couple of days, but that's going down. He's definitely ready for tomorrow.
I can't tell you how good he's been. He's really such a good dog. He hasn't tried to touch his stitches since I told him to "leave it." He is calm in the house, and is tolerating the expen. I hope that tomorrow the surgeon says he can have a little more freedom. Even though that also scares me. I feel like everything has gone so well so far. I don't want to do anything that could set him back from healing. We are officially two weeks closer to Koda being all better. I am praying that this is the last time he ever has to have stitches. I'm praying that the other knee holds up and this was all a fluke.
My other news is that Koda has lost 3 1/2 pds. and I gained it. He really didn't have any room to lose weight. He's too thin right now. His Ruffwear is even too big on him. He's been wearing that harness since he was 9 months old, and now even on the smallest setting he's too skinny for it. I need to figure out how to get a little bit of weight on him. I'll be happy when we can start to get some muscle back on him. In time, I just need to stay patient. This is all really testing me though.
Tomorrow the stitches are gone!!! Woo hoo!!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
2 More Days Until the Stitches Are Out!
It's Sunday evening, and Koda gets his stitches out on Tuesday. I think we are both ready for this. The top of his stitches is looking a bit irritated, but I'm not worried about an infection. I think his body is just ready for them to come out. He's been such a good boy about not touching them, and we haven't had the cone on at all. He doesn't care that they're there. It will still be good to get them out. Once we do, I'm going to have to find a different milestone.
I can't believe it's almost been two weeks! It does seem like we're getting into a different stage of healing. Koda's walking really well. I'm amazed, but with this new comfort with walking comes Koda's desire to get out of the house. I'm holding steady on keeping him in the expen. Even if it means he whines for a half an hour to get out.
For the first time in six weeks, I was able to get out of the house this weekend and spend time with my family and friends. I have to admit, it felt really good. My niece was in town, which is always a welcome distraction. We went to the drive in on Friday. She's so adorable. I love that the drive in gets her excited. She's so easy to please. Then my aunt's came into town tonight, and we had our Sunday dinner. Poor Koda had to stay home rather than coming along like he normally would. I've actually become really comfortable with Koda being left at home. It makes me feel like he's safe. I'm a bit scared to take him in the car on Tuesday to get his stitches out. I'm afraid that he might strain his leg in the car. He hates riding in the crate. I'm worried that he might slip on the linoleum floors at the vet's office. I'm worried that he will hurt himself fighting them from touching his leg. I'm looking forward to the stitches coming out, but I'm not looking forward to the process that we will have to go through to get it done. Oh how I wish my mom could take them out at home. But that's not going to happen. I want to lock him inside and make sure he never gets hurt again. Maybe my next milestone should be me getting over my newly found fear.
I haven't taken pics of the stitches, but I'll get some tomorrow with the redness at top. I did get a video of him walking today though. The kid's looking good! He was pulling on the leash while my friend was walking him, so I had to cut it short. It's funny. He never tries that with me. He knows when someone else is holding his leash he can try and pull stuff like this.
I hope everyone had a great weekend! I can't wait to start week 3 in a couple of days!
I can't believe it's almost been two weeks! It does seem like we're getting into a different stage of healing. Koda's walking really well. I'm amazed, but with this new comfort with walking comes Koda's desire to get out of the house. I'm holding steady on keeping him in the expen. Even if it means he whines for a half an hour to get out.
For the first time in six weeks, I was able to get out of the house this weekend and spend time with my family and friends. I have to admit, it felt really good. My niece was in town, which is always a welcome distraction. We went to the drive in on Friday. She's so adorable. I love that the drive in gets her excited. She's so easy to please. Then my aunt's came into town tonight, and we had our Sunday dinner. Poor Koda had to stay home rather than coming along like he normally would. I've actually become really comfortable with Koda being left at home. It makes me feel like he's safe. I'm a bit scared to take him in the car on Tuesday to get his stitches out. I'm afraid that he might strain his leg in the car. He hates riding in the crate. I'm worried that he might slip on the linoleum floors at the vet's office. I'm worried that he will hurt himself fighting them from touching his leg. I'm looking forward to the stitches coming out, but I'm not looking forward to the process that we will have to go through to get it done. Oh how I wish my mom could take them out at home. But that's not going to happen. I want to lock him inside and make sure he never gets hurt again. Maybe my next milestone should be me getting over my newly found fear.
I haven't taken pics of the stitches, but I'll get some tomorrow with the redness at top. I did get a video of him walking today though. The kid's looking good! He was pulling on the leash while my friend was walking him, so I had to cut it short. It's funny. He never tries that with me. He knows when someone else is holding his leash he can try and pull stuff like this.
I hope everyone had a great weekend! I can't wait to start week 3 in a couple of days!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Finally Koda handled his business!!!!!
Yep Koda finally pooped. I told the surgeon before Koda's surgery that he wouldn't poop next to my house, and I was right. I had to walk Koda out to the street and to the complex next door. Sure enough, he finally pooped. This is very exciting to me. Yes this is what my life has become, I'm excited about picking up dog poop. Poor little guy cried when it finally came out. He was so impacted.
He's a bit sore tonight from walking a bit too far for a dog after surgery, but he ate four dinners afterwards which I'm really grateful for. He's getting so skinny. He needs more calories. I was happy to keep filling up his bowl. He's now laying with his head in my lap on the bed snoring. I couldn't be happier.
Well that's it for tonight. No pics, no videos, just one happy Koda and me!
TGIF tomorrow!!!! I'm really excited.
Five more days and Koda's stitches are out!!!
He's a bit sore tonight from walking a bit too far for a dog after surgery, but he ate four dinners afterwards which I'm really grateful for. He's getting so skinny. He needs more calories. I was happy to keep filling up his bowl. He's now laying with his head in my lap on the bed snoring. I couldn't be happier.
Well that's it for tonight. No pics, no videos, just one happy Koda and me!
TGIF tomorrow!!!! I'm really excited.
Five more days and Koda's stitches are out!!!
Post Op Day 8 Koda Walking
Today is the end of hump day. Two more days of work, and I can be at home with Koda this weekend. I've got to admit, I'm starting to (actually I have been for a while but it comes in waves) really miss our life. I miss getting up and running every morning. I miss being out with him for two hours in the evening, jogging, hiking, being up in the hills, or at a dog park. I miss our life. I miss taking him places and visiting friends and family. I miss just being out with him. It feels like we're both locked up in the house, like we're grounded. Some days it's depressing, some days it's isolating, some days I just can't wait for it to be six months later. Today is one of those days. I wish I had a time machine, and we were passed all of this. There's my personal rant this evening.
Koda's still doing well. He was putting weight on the leg again today. He may have hopped a bit more than yesterday, but pretty much it's the same. I was able to get a couple of short videos of him. You'll always have to excuse the quality. It's me following him around while worrying that he may try and just take off because I dropped the leash.
Here's Koda walking today. Side note, Koda is a black brindle. You can really see his blonde on his shaved bootie.
This one is not a good shot of him walking, but Koda always has a happy tail when I talk to him. I love this kid.
Koda does this kick thing. It freaks me out a bit. I hope his leg is not hurting him. I hope he doesn't hurt his leg doing this. Would I be a complete nut if I brought my camera to show the surgeon this on Tuesday? Yeah probably, but I might still.
Koda's still doing well. He was putting weight on the leg again today. He may have hopped a bit more than yesterday, but pretty much it's the same. I was able to get a couple of short videos of him. You'll always have to excuse the quality. It's me following him around while worrying that he may try and just take off because I dropped the leash.
Here's Koda walking today. Side note, Koda is a black brindle. You can really see his blonde on his shaved bootie.
Koda does this kick thing. It freaks me out a bit. I hope his leg is not hurting him. I hope he doesn't hurt his leg doing this. Would I be a complete nut if I brought my camera to show the surgeon this on Tuesday? Yeah probably, but I might still.
6 more days until the stitches are out!!! Oh, and Koda still has not pooped. I'm calling the vet tomorrow. This kid needs a laxative!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Day 7 and Koda Still Hasn't Pooped
I think the title says it all, but I'll get to that later.....
I haven't been on in a couple of days because I've been trying to catch up with work. I went back yesterday, and it's been difficult to leave Koda. I try and get there early before everyone, get my work done, and go home before traffic starts. The good thing is I'm very motivated to be productive. The bad thing is I'm not home with Koda. Although I don't know what I'd be doing, staring at him all day? Probably, and I would be happy to do it.
Koda started to walk on the leg yesterday pretty well. He's not quite as good as he was before the surgery, but he's putting a little bit of weight on it. Yesterday he seemed to not be in pain at all. I started to give the Tramadol every 12 hours, but I fear that tomorrow he will be pain. You see Koda still has not pooped, and tonight I walked him around outside on leash trying to get him to go. It was about 10 minutes and we went really slow, but this is too long to walk a dog only a week out from TPLO surgery. I just really want him to poop, and I did get the ok from the surgeon to try. Nope I didn't call them. I swear they called me to change his appointment time to get his stitches out, but I took the opportunity to bug them and ask them questions about Koda's little problem. The surgeon said if he's walking then try to walk and stimulate it. It didn't work, and I'm not doing that again. Koda started to whine, but he's a dog and he doesn't correlate walking with pain. He wanted to keep going, and I had to carry him in the house. When he got in, he went straight to my room and laid under the desk. He doesn't even want to come out to climb in bed with me for our nightly cuddles. It's kind've sad. I may just be freaking out tomorrow if he's in a lot of pain.

I still have to get a video of Koda walking. Maybe if he's not that bad tomorrow I'll take one.
I do have to admit my temporary act of paranoia the other night. Things were going so well, and he was progressing faster than I expected, so what did I do? I started to freak myself out on Sunday night and google the complications with TPLO surgery! Why do I do things like that? I was worrying about having to get the implant out as soon as possible. I was worrying about infections, bone disease, implant corrosion, arthritis, the other knee. It was bad, and I had to have an intervention with myself. Do yourself a favor, don't ever do this. Take it from me, there's nothing to worry about right now. But then again I'm worrying about him being in pain tomorrow. *sigh*
There's always this to look forward to! 7 more days until Koda's stitches are out!!!
I haven't been on in a couple of days because I've been trying to catch up with work. I went back yesterday, and it's been difficult to leave Koda. I try and get there early before everyone, get my work done, and go home before traffic starts. The good thing is I'm very motivated to be productive. The bad thing is I'm not home with Koda. Although I don't know what I'd be doing, staring at him all day? Probably, and I would be happy to do it.
Koda started to walk on the leg yesterday pretty well. He's not quite as good as he was before the surgery, but he's putting a little bit of weight on it. Yesterday he seemed to not be in pain at all. I started to give the Tramadol every 12 hours, but I fear that tomorrow he will be pain. You see Koda still has not pooped, and tonight I walked him around outside on leash trying to get him to go. It was about 10 minutes and we went really slow, but this is too long to walk a dog only a week out from TPLO surgery. I just really want him to poop, and I did get the ok from the surgeon to try. Nope I didn't call them. I swear they called me to change his appointment time to get his stitches out, but I took the opportunity to bug them and ask them questions about Koda's little problem. The surgeon said if he's walking then try to walk and stimulate it. It didn't work, and I'm not doing that again. Koda started to whine, but he's a dog and he doesn't correlate walking with pain. He wanted to keep going, and I had to carry him in the house. When he got in, he went straight to my room and laid under the desk. He doesn't even want to come out to climb in bed with me for our nightly cuddles. It's kind've sad. I may just be freaking out tomorrow if he's in a lot of pain.
Here's a pic of the poor little man.
His stitches are still looking really good. He's healing up nicely. Koda doesn't even try and touch him. He's such a good boy.
I still have to get a video of Koda walking. Maybe if he's not that bad tomorrow I'll take one.
I do have to admit my temporary act of paranoia the other night. Things were going so well, and he was progressing faster than I expected, so what did I do? I started to freak myself out on Sunday night and google the complications with TPLO surgery! Why do I do things like that? I was worrying about having to get the implant out as soon as possible. I was worrying about infections, bone disease, implant corrosion, arthritis, the other knee. It was bad, and I had to have an intervention with myself. Do yourself a favor, don't ever do this. Take it from me, there's nothing to worry about right now. But then again I'm worrying about him being in pain tomorrow. *sigh*
There's always this to look forward to! 7 more days until Koda's stitches are out!!!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
We're Starting to Toe Touch!
I feel like I haven't posted in a week, but it's only been 24 hours. We had our first "uh oh" moment. Before Koda had surgery I told every person with a dog, cat, kid that he would be going in on Tuesday and would need a bit of space for a couple of months. No need in him even getting excited around dogs that he likes. Yesterday around 5 pm Koda whined like he had to potty. We geared him up with his Ruffwear Harness, and walked out the front door. Koda stopped and put his nose in the air. He's done this ever since his surgery. He wants to check out what's going on before leaving. Well Koda began to back up, and I should've listened to him. Instead I encouraged him to step outside and walk with me. I was looking down at him talking to him when my neighbor came around the corner with her two poodles off leash! The aggressive one went running towards Koda full attack mode. I looked and she was just standing there watching so I grabbed Koda and picked him up and brought him into the house. Before I knew it, he was running to the bedroom and climbing in his crate shaking. I felt so bad, but even more important I didn't know if I had hurt him. It took a bit for the two of us to calm down. I'll spare you the rest of the neighbor war, and skip to today. I don't think Koda hurt himself. There's no visible swelling or difference in the leg.
Beyond all that Koda has been very calm today and just wanting to sleep. When he did come out to eat, he started touching the leg down rather than holding it all the way up. He's barely touching it to the ground mind you. I'm really excited because I was starting to worry. I don't expect him to walk on a broken leg held together with a metal plate and screws, but it's good to see that the pain may be lessening. He has also stopped laying on that leg like he was right after the surgery. He lays on the other side and has it out. I'm assuming that this means it feels a bit better and that he's not feeling the need to guard it as much.
He wasn't eating this morning, and he still hasn't pooped!!! It has to come out sometime, but I'm starting to dread having to pick it up when it does. This is going to be a doozy. I do hope he poops soon. I think his bootie rash is feeling better. He's not going for it anymore as much, but I'm still applying the A&D. Another great job that I look forward to. Oh the pleasure of dog ownership. The good news is he did eat this afternoon, chicken and cottage cheese, and he's started to drink more. He also picked out a bullystick and chewed on it until he fell asleep again. He's really just been sleeping today.
I got to get out a bit. The Japanese Cultural Center up the street from my house had their annual fair, and my neighbor and I walked up there and got some food and looked at the exhibits. I figured I'd celebrate Koda's culture without him, and a sushi roll and some tempura hit the spot! We were only gone for about an hour and a half, but it was good. When I got back I took a nap. I'm still tired, although our nightly routine of having Koda lay with me seems to be getting him to calm down and sleep through the night. I think I just need to catch up.
Tomorrow I go back to work, and I'm scared to leave Koda all day. It's just been me and him home all day together. My mom being the great mom she is will come over during the day and spend a couple of hours with him. I'm sure I'll have my cellphone on my desk waiting for her call to tell me he's ok.
Koda's learned that if he lays in front of the expen and doesn't move I'll leave him out for a bit. Here's a still pose of Koda. He's a very smart dog. MENSA's been wanting Koda to join for a long time, but with his busy social calendar it's just been difficult for us to commit. :-p
I like it because he doesn't look like he just had surgery. But he is getting a little thin. Koda didn't have any weight to lose. It's always been a challenge to keep weight on him.
And without further adieu here are his stitches. I have to do it. 9 more days until they're gone!! I think from this point on it's going to be slow and steady with them healing, none of the daily drastic changes I saw before.
This week I'll start to take videos of Koda walking. I think I'll add those weekly.
I hope everyone had a great weekend! It's back to work tomorrow!!!
Beyond all that Koda has been very calm today and just wanting to sleep. When he did come out to eat, he started touching the leg down rather than holding it all the way up. He's barely touching it to the ground mind you. I'm really excited because I was starting to worry. I don't expect him to walk on a broken leg held together with a metal plate and screws, but it's good to see that the pain may be lessening. He has also stopped laying on that leg like he was right after the surgery. He lays on the other side and has it out. I'm assuming that this means it feels a bit better and that he's not feeling the need to guard it as much.
He wasn't eating this morning, and he still hasn't pooped!!! It has to come out sometime, but I'm starting to dread having to pick it up when it does. This is going to be a doozy. I do hope he poops soon. I think his bootie rash is feeling better. He's not going for it anymore as much, but I'm still applying the A&D. Another great job that I look forward to. Oh the pleasure of dog ownership. The good news is he did eat this afternoon, chicken and cottage cheese, and he's started to drink more. He also picked out a bullystick and chewed on it until he fell asleep again. He's really just been sleeping today.
I got to get out a bit. The Japanese Cultural Center up the street from my house had their annual fair, and my neighbor and I walked up there and got some food and looked at the exhibits. I figured I'd celebrate Koda's culture without him, and a sushi roll and some tempura hit the spot! We were only gone for about an hour and a half, but it was good. When I got back I took a nap. I'm still tired, although our nightly routine of having Koda lay with me seems to be getting him to calm down and sleep through the night. I think I just need to catch up.
Tomorrow I go back to work, and I'm scared to leave Koda all day. It's just been me and him home all day together. My mom being the great mom she is will come over during the day and spend a couple of hours with him. I'm sure I'll have my cellphone on my desk waiting for her call to tell me he's ok.
Koda's learned that if he lays in front of the expen and doesn't move I'll leave him out for a bit. Here's a still pose of Koda. He's a very smart dog. MENSA's been wanting Koda to join for a long time, but with his busy social calendar it's just been difficult for us to commit. :-p
I like it because he doesn't look like he just had surgery. But he is getting a little thin. Koda didn't have any weight to lose. It's always been a challenge to keep weight on him.
And without further adieu here are his stitches. I have to do it. 9 more days until they're gone!! I think from this point on it's going to be slow and steady with them healing, none of the daily drastic changes I saw before.
This week I'll start to take videos of Koda walking. I think I'll add those weekly.
I hope everyone had a great weekend! It's back to work tomorrow!!!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Hooray We Got Some Sleep!!!
I can't tell you how happy I am that I finally got some sleep last night. Koda only woke up once and it was for just a minute. I did break the rules though to get it done. I gave Koda his meds last night and allowed him to fall asleep at my feet by the couch. He didn't try and walk around the house or anything. He just laid there. Then I took him into our bedroom and he started getting anxious. He really wants to be in bed with me. I put him up there and just watched tv for a couple of hours. I was exhausted, but I wanted to give him that time to just lay next to me to keep him calm. And I was scared to get up for fear that he'd jump down and try and follow me. But he was completely passed out. I then carried him to his crate, but I left the door open. The Prince has never been one to jump on furniture. I sometimes wonder if he can. I knew he wouldn't jump on the bed and he would stay on the floor. He slept like a baby almost all night. I heard him squirming around about 2 am, but I told him to go ni-ni and he went right back to sleep.
The calm night also led us into a calm morning. We got up and I gave him his morning belly rubs. Then we went outside and he went potty. He's starting to toe touch, but just barely. He can get out to the grass, but won't try and walk back. I have to carry him. This is probably Koda's way of just not wanting to go back in though. I let him eat his breakfast at his bowls in the kitchen, and then put him into the expen for the day. He's really calm. The only thing that started bothering him was his butt rash. I doused him again with some A&D and he's now fast asleep. Good Koda!! Keep sleeping son. It's what will heal you.
I took a funny video of Koda trying to bury his food in his expen last night. I think he feels a bit nauseous from all the meds. I've never seen him do anything like this before. I guess he was done.
I took a pic of Koda's stitches. They're looking better today. It's good to see a progression. The top now is not bleeding, and you can see the middle part really starting to heal. Lookin' good!
I spoke too soon. The beast is up. Time for some belly rubs.
10 more days and Koda's stitches are out!!
The calm night also led us into a calm morning. We got up and I gave him his morning belly rubs. Then we went outside and he went potty. He's starting to toe touch, but just barely. He can get out to the grass, but won't try and walk back. I have to carry him. This is probably Koda's way of just not wanting to go back in though. I let him eat his breakfast at his bowls in the kitchen, and then put him into the expen for the day. He's really calm. The only thing that started bothering him was his butt rash. I doused him again with some A&D and he's now fast asleep. Good Koda!! Keep sleeping son. It's what will heal you.
I took a funny video of Koda trying to bury his food in his expen last night. I think he feels a bit nauseous from all the meds. I've never seen him do anything like this before. I guess he was done.
I took a pic of Koda's stitches. They're looking better today. It's good to see a progression. The top now is not bleeding, and you can see the middle part really starting to heal. Lookin' good!
I spoke too soon. The beast is up. Time for some belly rubs.
10 more days and Koda's stitches are out!!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Koda Has Become Quite Clingy
It's dinnertime, and thanks to my mom I have something to eat. I'm not sure what I was doing before Koda got his surgery. It all went so quick from that Saturday that he went lame the second time to going to a pre-op appointment to surgery that I was so busy getting the house ready I didn't think about myself and what I would need. Things like grocery shopping for the next week completely left my mind. My mom has been such a blessing helping out with Koda, just keeping me company, and most importantly making sure that I eat. I love that moms are good for that.
This is probably the only time today that I'm going to be able to post. Koda has become quite clingy. He's always been very attached to me, but the past 24 hours I have realized that Koda completely lacks the ability to calm himself. It's ironic....he's great at calming everyone else down including children, especially children, but he relies on me to sooth him. He needs me right next to him and touching him. He also needs to make eye contact with me at all times.
Last night Koda of course woke up at around 10:30. I thought I had him good for the night with all the medicine he was on, but no he had to sleep with me. I pulled out the couch mattress. I need to stop here and apologize to everyone who has ever spent the night at my house. That mattress is the most uncomfortable thing I have ever laid on. It has this hard thing that cuts across your shoulder area. Koda and I slept until about 12:30 am when he decided that it was time to go to our own bed again. I put him in his crate in the bedroom and he whined. I was so exhausted that I did manage to fall asleep. He then woke me up at 2 am flipping out. I thought maybe he had to pee, but no. He just wanted to be with me. Once again I went to sleep on the floor next to his crate after two and a half hours of trying to get him to sleep without me. Koda woke up at 7. That two and a half hours of sleep was great let me tell you. I took him out to pee. He's refusing to use the leg so this means me carrying him to the grass. He wouldn't go. Back in the house we went and he had a Tramadol and I tried to put him in his expen, but he just stood there and cried. Long story short I had to sit with him until 12:30 pm petting him and giving him kisses. It was the only thing that calmed him down.
He did go pee somewhere in that time, and I figured out that poor little Koda has diaper rash from his leakage. I had to clean him up and dry him off and I doused him in A&D ointment. Around 12:30 he decided to go to sleep, and my mom came over. I was finally able to take a shower and wash my hair! I can't tell you how good it felt.
Koda woke up when she arrived, and made her get into the crate with him. He didn't really settle down until he got his second Tramadol at 3 pm. He's finally been resting by himself. I'm not sure what I do during these break times, but it's nothing that I should be doing like working, doing laundry, cleaning. I'm so zoned out that I just sit here I think. I'm glad he's sleeping, but I'm dreading another sleepless night. Koda's internal clock is all messed up right now.
Koda's incision looks really good today. His bruising is also going away. I had to be obsessed with his stitches and take a pic to share. I'll save you from seeing bootie rash pics.
I also took pics of Koda last night standing. He was pretty stressed out and panting, but he pretty much holds his leg up like this.
I just fed Koda dinner. Well I tried and he buried it with the towels and blankets laying under his expen. His tummy is pretty upset today with a lot of gas. I'll spare you the details....
Here's to hopefully a good night's sleep! 11 more days and Koda's stitches are out!
This is probably the only time today that I'm going to be able to post. Koda has become quite clingy. He's always been very attached to me, but the past 24 hours I have realized that Koda completely lacks the ability to calm himself. It's ironic....he's great at calming everyone else down including children, especially children, but he relies on me to sooth him. He needs me right next to him and touching him. He also needs to make eye contact with me at all times.
Last night Koda of course woke up at around 10:30. I thought I had him good for the night with all the medicine he was on, but no he had to sleep with me. I pulled out the couch mattress. I need to stop here and apologize to everyone who has ever spent the night at my house. That mattress is the most uncomfortable thing I have ever laid on. It has this hard thing that cuts across your shoulder area. Koda and I slept until about 12:30 am when he decided that it was time to go to our own bed again. I put him in his crate in the bedroom and he whined. I was so exhausted that I did manage to fall asleep. He then woke me up at 2 am flipping out. I thought maybe he had to pee, but no. He just wanted to be with me. Once again I went to sleep on the floor next to his crate after two and a half hours of trying to get him to sleep without me. Koda woke up at 7. That two and a half hours of sleep was great let me tell you. I took him out to pee. He's refusing to use the leg so this means me carrying him to the grass. He wouldn't go. Back in the house we went and he had a Tramadol and I tried to put him in his expen, but he just stood there and cried. Long story short I had to sit with him until 12:30 pm petting him and giving him kisses. It was the only thing that calmed him down.
He did go pee somewhere in that time, and I figured out that poor little Koda has diaper rash from his leakage. I had to clean him up and dry him off and I doused him in A&D ointment. Around 12:30 he decided to go to sleep, and my mom came over. I was finally able to take a shower and wash my hair! I can't tell you how good it felt.
Koda woke up when she arrived, and made her get into the crate with him. He didn't really settle down until he got his second Tramadol at 3 pm. He's finally been resting by himself. I'm not sure what I do during these break times, but it's nothing that I should be doing like working, doing laundry, cleaning. I'm so zoned out that I just sit here I think. I'm glad he's sleeping, but I'm dreading another sleepless night. Koda's internal clock is all messed up right now.
Koda's incision looks really good today. His bruising is also going away. I had to be obsessed with his stitches and take a pic to share. I'll save you from seeing bootie rash pics.
I also took pics of Koda last night standing. He was pretty stressed out and panting, but he pretty much holds his leg up like this.
I just fed Koda dinner. Well I tried and he buried it with the towels and blankets laying under his expen. His tummy is pretty upset today with a lot of gas. I'll spare you the details....
Here's to hopefully a good night's sleep! 11 more days and Koda's stitches are out!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Day 2- 12 More Days of Stitches
The second day of Koda being home is almost over. I've decided that waiting 16-20 weeks for recovery sounds like a lifetime. I'm going to look forward to milestones instead. Our first milestone will be his stitches coming out in 12 days, and then we can see about getting Koda into physical therapy. The atrophy on his left hind leg has really set in. It looks skinny and feeble. You can now see his hip bones. I've got him on a comfy bed, now that his anal leakage has subsided. He was getting a red sore on his hip. Hopefully this will help to solve that. I don't want to see him with sores like those dogs on Animal Planet's Animal Cops who have been abused.
Last night was a bit tough, but nowhere near the night before. I was sleeping with Koda on the floor when he decided that he wanted to try and get up in the middle of the night. He swore I was going to let him run around the house. He really wanted to get into my bed, and there's just no way I can allow that. If he fell off, or tried to jump off, it would be devastating. I had to put him in his crate alone in my bedroom and he was not a happy dog. He cried to be with me, but eventually settled down. He did wake up a few times and cried. I ended up sleeping on the floor next to him to calm him down. He got up at around 7:30 am, and he went out to pee. The sling is a bit ridiculous, but his Ruffwear harness we use to hike has just the right handle to lift him up.
Koda refused breakfast this morning. I put him in his expen and he was restless, so once again I laid next to him and he settled in. I've learned that lack of sleep gets me really agitated. I've been a grump all day, and any little thing will completely get on my nerves. Not Koda of course. He can do no wrong, but I went to the store to get chicken and cottage cheese for Koda and everyone there got on my nerves, from the rude woman who almost ran over me, to the store employee who wouldn't answer my question, to the woman who was on her phone while getting checked out and wasn't paying attention. I couldn't wait to get home. Oh, and yes I did find something else that Koda absolutely had to have today! But it was a good thing because he did eat the chicken and cottage cheese. I think the pills are upsetting his stomach a bit. Just my guess. The good news for today is that Koda drank water! Woo hoo!!! Just a little, but it was good to see him drink.
Koda's not using the leg at all today. He's in pain. More so than yesterday. I'm assuming it's because all of the anaesthesia, morphine, and good stuff is out of his system. The leg is also starting to bruise and the stitches were bleeding a little. He likes to lay on it all day. I hope that's not adding to his pain, but he must know his limits. I'm trusting in Koda on this one.
Here are a couple of pics from this evening. The bruising is difficult to see because he's got black fur. It definitely looks more agitated than yesterday.
He also let me ice the leg tonight. Poor Koda Bear and his bare butt. He does like it when I scratch it though.
We tried to go out this evening to go pee, but Koda refused to use that leg at all. I'm not going to worry about it. He knows what he's doing, and I'm glad to see him having some limits. But I hope I'm not up in the middle of the night going out to pee. I really need some sleep tonight to be able to function, and not sleep on the floor. My back is really starting to hurt.
Since Koda is in considerable pain today, he had a Tramadol at 8 am, one again at 2 pm. The vet tech said technically I could give one every six hours if I see that he needs it. I'm not trying to do this everyday, but he needed it today. Then he got Metacam at 8 pm. He gets this once every 24 hours. I'm going to give him another Tramadol at 10 pm just to top him off. It's a lot for today, but he needs it. I'm not giving him any sedatives at this time. But I have those too just in case!
Hopefully we both sleep through the night so I can stop being cranky with people.
Last night was a bit tough, but nowhere near the night before. I was sleeping with Koda on the floor when he decided that he wanted to try and get up in the middle of the night. He swore I was going to let him run around the house. He really wanted to get into my bed, and there's just no way I can allow that. If he fell off, or tried to jump off, it would be devastating. I had to put him in his crate alone in my bedroom and he was not a happy dog. He cried to be with me, but eventually settled down. He did wake up a few times and cried. I ended up sleeping on the floor next to him to calm him down. He got up at around 7:30 am, and he went out to pee. The sling is a bit ridiculous, but his Ruffwear harness we use to hike has just the right handle to lift him up.
Koda refused breakfast this morning. I put him in his expen and he was restless, so once again I laid next to him and he settled in. I've learned that lack of sleep gets me really agitated. I've been a grump all day, and any little thing will completely get on my nerves. Not Koda of course. He can do no wrong, but I went to the store to get chicken and cottage cheese for Koda and everyone there got on my nerves, from the rude woman who almost ran over me, to the store employee who wouldn't answer my question, to the woman who was on her phone while getting checked out and wasn't paying attention. I couldn't wait to get home. Oh, and yes I did find something else that Koda absolutely had to have today! But it was a good thing because he did eat the chicken and cottage cheese. I think the pills are upsetting his stomach a bit. Just my guess. The good news for today is that Koda drank water! Woo hoo!!! Just a little, but it was good to see him drink.
Koda's not using the leg at all today. He's in pain. More so than yesterday. I'm assuming it's because all of the anaesthesia, morphine, and good stuff is out of his system. The leg is also starting to bruise and the stitches were bleeding a little. He likes to lay on it all day. I hope that's not adding to his pain, but he must know his limits. I'm trusting in Koda on this one.
Here are a couple of pics from this evening. The bruising is difficult to see because he's got black fur. It definitely looks more agitated than yesterday.
He also let me ice the leg tonight. Poor Koda Bear and his bare butt. He does like it when I scratch it though.
We tried to go out this evening to go pee, but Koda refused to use that leg at all. I'm not going to worry about it. He knows what he's doing, and I'm glad to see him having some limits. But I hope I'm not up in the middle of the night going out to pee. I really need some sleep tonight to be able to function, and not sleep on the floor. My back is really starting to hurt.
Since Koda is in considerable pain today, he had a Tramadol at 8 am, one again at 2 pm. The vet tech said technically I could give one every six hours if I see that he needs it. I'm not trying to do this everyday, but he needed it today. Then he got Metacam at 8 pm. He gets this once every 24 hours. I'm going to give him another Tramadol at 10 pm just to top him off. It's a lot for today, but he needs it. I'm not giving him any sedatives at this time. But I have those too just in case!
Hopefully we both sleep through the night so I can stop being cranky with people.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Goodbye Blue Stump!!
I just read my post from this morning. I was really out of it! Thankfully my mom came over today and let me sleep for a couple of hours. Actually, I kept her here for seven hours. I didn't want to let her go home.
Once we settled down from last night, Koda went into his expen. Strict orders from the surgeon is confinement and only potty breaks for two weeks. He was still pretty out of it, and keeping him in there didn't bother him. I'm sure he would rather me lay with him all day, but he didn't cry often.
The surgeon's office wanted me to take him in today to get the blue stump taken off, but I asked them if my mom, a nurse, could do it. I didn't want to drag him in the car to the vet's where he would flip out. It was nice. He trusts my mom and he just laid there and let her gently take off the bandage while I rubbed his head and belly. It was calm, and that's exactly how I want Koda's life to be during his recovery.
After the stump came off the cone had to go on Koda. After 4 hours of him crying and only letting up for one 15 minute break, I went down to the store to get him a donut. Maybe I should start adding up how much each trip is costing me. Maybe it would stop me from getting nervous and shopping for something Koda must have. The incision looks really good. I was scared to see it, but it's clean and we iced it today. There's no swelling as of yet.
Here's a picture of the incision when we removed the blue stump. It's looking pretty good. I was really scared to see it.
Once we settled down from last night, Koda went into his expen. Strict orders from the surgeon is confinement and only potty breaks for two weeks. He was still pretty out of it, and keeping him in there didn't bother him. I'm sure he would rather me lay with him all day, but he didn't cry often.
The surgeon's office wanted me to take him in today to get the blue stump taken off, but I asked them if my mom, a nurse, could do it. I didn't want to drag him in the car to the vet's where he would flip out. It was nice. He trusts my mom and he just laid there and let her gently take off the bandage while I rubbed his head and belly. It was calm, and that's exactly how I want Koda's life to be during his recovery.
After the stump came off the cone had to go on Koda. After 4 hours of him crying and only letting up for one 15 minute break, I went down to the store to get him a donut. Maybe I should start adding up how much each trip is costing me. Maybe it would stop me from getting nervous and shopping for something Koda must have. The incision looks really good. I was scared to see it, but it's clean and we iced it today. There's no swelling as of yet.
Here's a picture of the incision when we removed the blue stump. It's looking pretty good. I was really scared to see it.
The best news is that Koda was refusing to help me out this morning and try walking with me holding his back legs in a sling. He would let his front legs just go limp, and I had no choice but to leave him with potty pads under him. With the stump off, he went outside on leash and went potty. Of course this left him exhausted, and we're now on our living room floor bed together. He's curled up with his donut on, sleeping peacefully. Now I just need to get him to drink some water. That will be our milestone for tomorrow.
13 days and the stitches will be out!! Let the countdown begin.
Day 1 of Koda Being Home
Last night was a long one. After I posted, Koda woke up. He couldn't hold his bladder, and I think the wetness made him wake up. I want to thank right now everyone at orthodogs for the great advice and supply lists. I never would've thought to get plastic sheets! Koda came home potty trained. He's never had an accident, but my poor little man couldn't hold his bladder or bowels last night. I felt so bad for him, but thankfully for me those plastic sheets came in handy. I suggest getting 3 pairs. I went through 2 last night, and had a clean one for him this morning while I did laundry.
After Koda woke up, he started squealing like a pig and freaking out. I put the mattress from the pull out couch on the ground and wrapped him in his plastic, with a flannel soft side, sheet. I laid in back of him and it seemed to really calm him down. While I was laying there, my girlfriend Michele texted to see if I was ok, and I so wasn't! I felt so bad for Koda. She gave me a call, and what really calmed him down was the sound of my voice talking to her. Within a minute, he began breathing normally and went soundly to sleep. I just laid there and held him all night. He woke up at 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4, 4:30, 5:30, and 7am. I didn't get any sleep, but by 2:30 the whining had gone to a minimal whimper and all it took was me talking to him and he was right back asleep. By 7 am he woke up and rolled on his back for some bellyrubs. He does this every morning, and it felt good to see him asked for them.
He refuses to try and stand on his other legs. I tried to take him out to go potty, and he wouldn't even help me to stand. I'm hoping that in the next couple of days he'll be willing to go out, but until then I need baby wipes and xlarge training pads.
Oh I also noticed last night that the eCollar was too tight. I couldn't even get a part of a pinky finger in it. I took it off since his incision is covered by the blue stump, and I know Koda he wouldn't even try and play with it. I have to pick another one up today. My mom is coming over in a few minutes to watch him while I pick up supplies and go into the office really quick.
Koda did eat today. Just a little bit of wet food, but he was interested in a chicken pig's ear. He enjoyed that a lot. He won't drink anything, but he'll lick water off of my hands. I'll try some chicken broth later. He also got a Tramadol this morning and is fast asleep in his expen. I know everyday is going to get better. At least he's willing to just rest that leg.
I took a picture of Koda cleaning himself in the crate after his pig's ear. Koda's big on keeping himself clean. He's a lot like a cat. I figured I'd let him do it since the blue stump is protecting his incision. This will be the last time for a couple of weeks.
After Koda woke up, he started squealing like a pig and freaking out. I put the mattress from the pull out couch on the ground and wrapped him in his plastic, with a flannel soft side, sheet. I laid in back of him and it seemed to really calm him down. While I was laying there, my girlfriend Michele texted to see if I was ok, and I so wasn't! I felt so bad for Koda. She gave me a call, and what really calmed him down was the sound of my voice talking to her. Within a minute, he began breathing normally and went soundly to sleep. I just laid there and held him all night. He woke up at 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4, 4:30, 5:30, and 7am. I didn't get any sleep, but by 2:30 the whining had gone to a minimal whimper and all it took was me talking to him and he was right back asleep. By 7 am he woke up and rolled on his back for some bellyrubs. He does this every morning, and it felt good to see him asked for them.
He refuses to try and stand on his other legs. I tried to take him out to go potty, and he wouldn't even help me to stand. I'm hoping that in the next couple of days he'll be willing to go out, but until then I need baby wipes and xlarge training pads.
Oh I also noticed last night that the eCollar was too tight. I couldn't even get a part of a pinky finger in it. I took it off since his incision is covered by the blue stump, and I know Koda he wouldn't even try and play with it. I have to pick another one up today. My mom is coming over in a few minutes to watch him while I pick up supplies and go into the office really quick.
Koda did eat today. Just a little bit of wet food, but he was interested in a chicken pig's ear. He enjoyed that a lot. He won't drink anything, but he'll lick water off of my hands. I'll try some chicken broth later. He also got a Tramadol this morning and is fast asleep in his expen. I know everyday is going to get better. At least he's willing to just rest that leg.
I took a picture of Koda cleaning himself in the crate after his pig's ear. Koda's big on keeping himself clean. He's a lot like a cat. I figured I'd let him do it since the blue stump is protecting his incision. This will be the last time for a couple of weeks.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Koda's Home
Well Koda's home, and as you can see he is completely out of it. I'm not going to sugar coat this. Anyone who is emotional right now should skip to the end of this blog and read the happy ending before reading this post.
Everyone down at the vet hospital has been great. Let me just tell you that I am a very emotional dog owner right now even though I'm trying to be calm and strong, I'm not. The vet techs took him out from the back with a towel as a sling to carry his back legs. The blue stump that you see above was dragging behind Koda and getting flopped around. Then Koda started thrashing around and whining. He was freaking out. The techs put him in the crate, but he was thrashing so badly that the stump was hitting the crate sides and he was getting all tied up around it. God I pray that nothing happened to his leg while this was all happening. Could he have hurt it? Ruined his surgery? I'm freaking out now.
Driving home, Koda was still hyperventilationg and crying so hard. I felt helpless. For once I couldn't make it better. He was in so much pain and scared, and I couldn't protect him. I lost it!! First red light I put my face in my hands and started bawling. I was crying so hard that the truck next to me honked to see if I needed help. Embarassing right? Ugh.....
I got Koda home safe, and carried him into the expen that you see in the picture. He was trying to get up, and I know he just wanted to be with me, but I needed him to just lay down. Thankfully I asked for a sedative, and I gave a half of one to him and laid down in the expen with him rubbing his bare butt until he passed out. I'm going to sleep in here tonight because I want to check and make sure he's still breathing every five minutes. Tonight was rough.
Koda's TPLO Surgery is Right Now
I've been meaning to start this blog, and one thing or another has always come up, but I think right now is the perfect time since right now is when Koda can finally start to heal from his cruciate ligament tear. You see he's in surgery at this moment, and I need to find something to do to calm my nerves a little bit.
Before we get into today, I need to rewind a month. On Thursday, July 7, 2011 Koda and I went for a run around the park and ended up in the dogpark down the street from my house. We came home and he took a nap. When he woke up there it was, a lame leg. I called our vet the next day and got him in. By this time he was walking on it, and I would say he was at 95%, but I didn't want to take any chances. They xrayed Koda's hips and knees and saw inflammation of the left rear leg. My vet did a drawer test, and it came back negative, but he still diagnosed Koda with having cruciate ligament damage. I felt like our world was going to end. I was devastated. We have always been so active that I couldn't bear the thought of us not being able to go about our daily routines. Moreover I couldn't bear the thought that somehow I had broken the dog. That broke my heart, and the guilt and denial built from there.
Here are the xrays taken that day. This is the effected left leg. Can you see that it's cloudy in the front of the knee vs. the right leg?
Before we get into today, I need to rewind a month. On Thursday, July 7, 2011 Koda and I went for a run around the park and ended up in the dogpark down the street from my house. We came home and he took a nap. When he woke up there it was, a lame leg. I called our vet the next day and got him in. By this time he was walking on it, and I would say he was at 95%, but I didn't want to take any chances. They xrayed Koda's hips and knees and saw inflammation of the left rear leg. My vet did a drawer test, and it came back negative, but he still diagnosed Koda with having cruciate ligament damage. I felt like our world was going to end. I was devastated. We have always been so active that I couldn't bear the thought of us not being able to go about our daily routines. Moreover I couldn't bear the thought that somehow I had broken the dog. That broke my heart, and the guilt and denial built from there.
Here are the xrays taken that day. This is the effected left leg. Can you see that it's cloudy in the front of the knee vs. the right leg?
With the negative drawer test, I was able to spin into complete and utter denial. There was no way that he was hurt. Maybe it was just a strain? I'll keep him on lockdown and use conservative management to heal the ligament. Let me just tell you that there are people who swear that this works, and it may have with their dogs, but I'm completely impatient. After being locked in the house with Koda for three weeks, and feeling completely isolated, Koda woke up one day not limping!!! Yeah right? No, I'm not sure what happened, but he went fully lame once again. That's when I said enough is enough and found a surgeon. It was time. I needed to get Koda better. He's only 27 months old, he doesn't deserve to be locked up. He should be jogging with me in the morning and running around on the hills at night.
That all brings us to today. I have chosen the TPLO surgery, even though it scares the heck out of me, because it is what they call "the gold standard" of cruciate ligament surgeries, but also because it's what my surgeon feels most comfortable with. I am also impatient remember? The traditional surgery could take up to a year to recover from. I can't possibly wait that long. I need my running buddy to be back in ship shape condition.
The surgeon did call me about an hour ago and said that while Koda was fully anaesthetized, they performed the drawer test on him and he has a fully torn cruciate ligament there's no doubt about that. Koda's own muscles and tightness were keeping that knee together. I feel like today is the calm before the storm. This is going to be a long four to six months, an emotional roller coaster. Some days will be good, and some won't, but we're going to get Koda better. He deserves it.
I took a couple of movies last night to show everyone how he's been walking since that last time he went lame 10 days ago. Mind you this is with a full tear! Now that I know that, I think he was doing pretty well. Please excuse the poor quality. I was trying to get him to walk while taping. Oh and he had to pee in the 2nd one. Dogs just don't have manners sometimes. ha ha
Isn't he handsome! I love my little man.
And here's just a fun one. He didn't want to go back inside so he tore up a stick. Poor stick. And that's our not so friendly squirrel who eats all of my herbs and barks at Koda all day. I really don't like that squirrel. It's mean.
Well it's 3 pm now, and in two hours the journey begins. I go pick up Koda. It's going to be a long night!
At some point I'll recode this and take off the template. As a website builder, I'm a bit ashamed of using a template. I'll get that done.
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